Above the Ancient Apollo Temple in Delphi Greece and the ancient Kaynak Temple in Egypt are the words, "NOSCE TE IPSUM"  this phrase means "KNOW THYSELF.'
In the Bible, Romans 12: 3-8 and Psalms 31 speak to the value of introspection and self-examination, "KNOW THYSELF.'  This message has been given to humanity for thousands of years. Yet, few people today understand the meaning behind these words and the value that they hold. Transpersonal (Self Actualizing) Therapy is based on Transpersonal Psychology and actively engages with an individual's spiritual intelligence (SQ) while building emotional intelligence (EQ) to enable broader perspectives on the challenges that we face today. This is the purpose of engaging in dreamwork, hypnosis, meditation, visualization, shadow work, and transpersonal (self-actualizing) therapy. The efforts made in discovering the messages which lay hidden in one's dreams, exploring your personal astrology, practicing meditation, learning to identify and work with your shadow and allowing yourself to engage in hypnotherapy deepens your understanding of your own unconscious mind, while learning to tap into the spiritual consciousness within. This is an adventure that you do not want to miss.