12 Feb
The Mystery and Symbolism Of the Gnome

Today it is evident that we live in a culture and society that promotes the idea that the logical thinking part of our minds, is all that is important. This idea has been around since the, 20th and 21st century and we refer to this has the "MODERN AGE."  Our logical thinking and technology rule. Anything else is considered fantasy. This mindset has produced humans that have disregarded their personal life experiences, instincts and natural intuition. I have talked with many persons who have admitted that when they get the intuitive nudge, they do not know or understand what it is and  so they completely ignore the signals and are at a loss as to how to respond. My intent is to introduce the idea and experiences that we as humans are far greater in our capacity to understand and experience life on a much grander scale than what we have been taught and programmed to believe. 

My Story:

At the age of seven, I wondered into a forest located in Virginia, along with two friends, Martha and Deana Marie and my brother Ken. It had been raining most of the day and the forest was filled with the aftermath of a misty drizzle and a light fog. The atmosphere seemed mysterious and I found myself compelled to look under a very large uprooted tree. I stooped down to look up inside of the tree; to my amazement I saw little stair steps that led to a platform which held a small round table and chair. Sitting at the table was a dwarf sized man wearing a large, pointed red, dunce hat, a colorful blue/gold vest and green tights. He stared intensely at me while I stared back. To my surprise, he grinned and winked. At that point, I became terrified and began screaming as I ran out of the forest. The other children ran after me also screaming because they were frightened over my response. 

I confessed to my parents and the other children as to what I had witnessed regarding the little man with the red, pointed dunce hat sitting at a little table up inside of the tree, they all dismissed this as "my wild imagination." No one believed me. Years passed but I never forget the little man with the red pointed hat.

During my freshman year in college I came across information pertaining to this dwarf type man and he was referred to as a GNOME. I saw a picture and his description and image fit perfectly. At this point, I realized my experience was indeed very real and not my imagination. To date, thousands of people from all over the world have documented their experiences and sightings of the GNOME.This validated a very long list of paranormal, supernatural experiences that would become my life 's legacy. 

A Brief History of Gnomes:

Gnomes were introduced by Paracelus, a 16th century alchemist who believed these little creatures/people were Earth Elementals. By the 19th century, the public had embraced the gnomes. They were portrayed in movies such as Oz, Narnia, Tolkien's  Middle Earth and J.K. Rowling's world of wizards.

In folklore, gnomes are subterranean spirits who guard the earth's treasures. They are believed to be magical and located worldwide. Gnomes are said to live up to 400 hundred years old and are considered industrious, kind, and wise. 

My favorite go to person, for all things paranormal and cosmology is Edgar Cayce    (The Sleeping Prophet) March 18, 1877-January 3, 1945, he suggested in some of his readings that one should not be afraid to acknowledge and nurture the experiences of  seeing fairies, gnomes, pixies and brownies, they were not elementals,  but elements that are definite materialized entities. He also suggested that those who see these entities are those who are attuned to the infinite.          Edgar Cayce readings, 2547-1, 1265-3 & 5359-1


In dreams and in psychological terms gnomes symbolize "whatever is keeping you from entering and getting to know your unconscious mind (earth), you need to get on with the business or task of discovering your inner, true self. (treasure)

Remember to honor and respect your own personal experiences, acknowledge your feelings,  trust your intuition, look inside and explore your unconscious mind and remember the Kingdom is within. Your ability to find the keys to the kingdom lie within your desire to "KNOW THYSELF."  


Angels, Fairies, Demons and the Elementals,  author: John Van Auken

WoodSpirits, author: Ellen Fort Grissett

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